Privacy Policy

About Oniro Tours

Oniro Tours – Operador Turistico, Lda
Rua Manuel Temporão, loja 24 R/C superior
4930-594 Valença do Minho
NIF: 517828936

The Oniro Tours has always been committed to protecting the privacy of users of its website and, as such, only collects personal information from those who voluntarily provide it, and also only uses it for the purposes for which it was provided.

This Privacy Statement and Personal Data Processing helps you understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal data when you visit our Website.

The personal data collected by Oniro Tours on this website are processed automatically and are intended for managing user contacts of this website, in the form of «Reservation Requests» and «Contact Requests» through this site and will be used solely and exclusively for processing that contact.

By providing your personal data to Oniro Tours, the user of this website acknowledges and consents to their processing in accordance with this Privacy Statement and Personal Data Processing and with the rules and principles set out in the respective General Terms and Conditions of the contracted services.

To the extent that it concerns the processing of personal data, the user of this website should read this Privacy Statement together with the General Terms and Conditions governing the sale of trips on this website and in our annual brochure.

If we intend to make any changes to this Statement, we will place such changes on this page so that you can see the type of information we collect and how we use it.

What are personal data

Personal data is information relating to a living person, identified or identifiable. Also, personal data consists of distinct information that can lead to the identification of a particular person.

Personal data that has been anonymized, coded, or pseudonymized, but that can be used to reidentify a person, remains personal data and is covered by the scope of the GDPR. Personal data that has been anonymized so that the person is no longer identifiable ceases to be considered personal data. For data to be truly anonymized, anonymization must be irreversible.

Examples of personal data:
Name and surname;
Residential address;
An email address like;
An IP address (internet protocol);
Connection logs (cookies).
Examples of data not considered personal:
Company registration number;
An email address like;
Anonymized data.
Collection of Personal Data on the website
We collect personal data with your consent when you voluntarily and freely choose to send us a message through the site or make a reservation request.

The data collected are adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary regarding the purposes for which they are processed, and are not subsequently processed for a purpose other than that which led to the data subject’s contact.

Their processing for statistical purposes is not, in accordance with Article 89(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation, considered incompatible with the initial purposes.

Data Not Processed
Oniro Tours will not process personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data to uniquely identify a person, data concerning health or data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

However, the exception provided for in Article 9(2) of the General Data Protection Regulation, which includes the religious belief required in visa processing for visiting some countries, should be noted.

On What Basis Can We Process Your Personal Data?
When we have your express consent – in writing or through validation of an option – and if that consent is freely given, informed, specific, and unambiguous.


Execution of contract and pre-contractual measures
When the processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion, execution, and management of the contract concluded with Oniro Tours, such as the purchase of a trip or reservation processing.


Compliance with a legal obligation
When the processing of personal data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Oniro Tours is subject, such as communicating identification data to police, judicial, tax, or regulatory authorities.


Legitimate interest
When the processing of personal data corresponds to a legitimate interest of Oniro Tours or third parties.

Children under 16 must obtain permission from their parents or guardians before accessing or providing personal data on the website.

Who Is Responsible for Processing Your Personal Data?
The entity responsible for the collection and processing of your personal data will be Oniro Tours, for which its Board of Directors is responsible, and which in this context decides which data are collected, means of processing, and purposes for which the data are used.

Your Rights
In accordance with the applicable data protection law, the user can exercise their rights of access, rectification, or erasure of their personal data, restriction of processing, right to object to processing, and right to data portability, through a written request to Oniro Tours, whose contact details we indicate below.

Right of Access
Right to obtain confirmation of what your personal data is being processed and information about it, such as the purposes of processing, retention periods, among others.

Right of Rectification
Right to request the rectification of your personal data that is inaccurate or request that incomplete personal data be completed, such as address, tax identification number (NIF), email, telephone contacts, or others.

Right to Erasure of Data or «Right to be Forgotten»
Right to obtain the erasure of your personal data, provided there are no valid grounds for their retention, such as cases where Oniro Tours must retain the data to comply with a legal preservation obligation.

Right to Portability
Right to receive the data you provided us in a digital format of common use and automatic reading or to request the direct transmission of your data to another entity.

Right to Withdraw Consent or Right to Object
Right to object or withdraw your consent, at any time to data processing, such as in the case of data processing for marketing purposes, provided there are no overriding legitimate interests of Oniro Tours or third parties.

Right to Limitation
Right to request limitation of the processing of your personal data, in the form of:

Suspension of processing
Limitation of the scope of processing to certain categories of data or processing purposes.
Profile and Automated Decisions
Oniro Tours does not make any commercial decisions based on automated decisions, nor will it take any action leading to the definition of categories or profiles of users of this website.

How Can You Exercise Your Rights
Any communication regarding the processing of personal data should be addressed in writing to Oniro Tours at the following address:

Oniro Tours
Rua Manuel Temporão, loja 24 R/C superior
4930-594 Valença do Minho

Or, via email:

The exercise of rights is free, except if it is a manifestly unfounded or excessive request, in which case a reasonable fee may be charged considering the costs.

In addition to the obligations referred to in the applicable law on data protection or for the safeguarding and protection of its own interests, Oniro Tours will not share any personal data with third parties unless there is a legal obligation or legitimate interest, in which case the user of this website will be duly informed.

Technical and Organizational Measures
Although no data is stored on the website, Oniro Tours has technical and organizational measures appropriate to protect the processed data, including against unauthorized access or any other form of unlawful or illegal processing.

Oniro Tours has implemented:

Logical security requirements and measures, such as the use of firewalls


Nome Tipo Duração Descrição Proprietário
cookieConsent cookie 1 ano Guardar preferências de cookies Amaral & Fernandes
_ga cookie 2 anos Usado para distinguir utilizadores Google
_gid cookie 24 horas Usado para distinguir utilizadores Google
_gat cookie 1 minuto Usado para controlar a taxa de solicitação Google
fr cookie 3 meses Habilitar entrega de anúncios ou remarkting Facebook
xs cookie 3 meses Contém várias informações, separadas por dois pontos. O primeiro valor é um número de até dois dígitos que representa o número da sessão. A segunda parte do valor é um segredo de sessão. O terceiro componente opcional é um sinalizador ‘seguro’ para se o usuário habilitou o recurso de navegação segura. Facebook
spin cookie 1 dia Permite que os anúncios do utilizador sejam adaptados às suas preferências. Facebook
sb cookie 2 anos Este cookie permite que o website seja integrado ao Facebook. Facebook
datr cookie 2 anos Guarda informação do browser utilizado Facebook
c_user cookie 3 meses Guarda informação do ID de Facebook do utilizador Facebook
lang cookie Sessão Linkedin
lidc cookie 1 dia Localiza as funcionalidades do LinkedIn na página e compartilha as informações do Site nas redes sociais. Linkedin
UserMatchHistory cookie 30 dias Sincronização de ID de anúncios do LinkedIn Linkedin
AnalyticsSyncHistory cookie 30 dias Usado para armazenar informações sobre o horário em que uma sincronização com o cookie lms_analytics ocorreu para usuários nos países designados Linkedin
lms_analytics cookie 30 dias Utilizado para identificar utilizadores do LinkedIn nos países designados para análises Linkedin
bcookie cookie 2 anos Guarda informação do browser utilizado Linkedin
lms_ads cookie Utilizado para identificar utilizadores LinkedIn fora do LinkedIn nos países designados para publicidade Linkedin